How-to: OpenREM on Windows 10



In this tutorial, we show you how to install OpenREM on a bare Windows 10 64-bit system. OpenREM is a patient dose monitoring system, also known as a radiation dose management system, used for regulatory compliance, such as patient dose tracking and diagnostic reference levels (DRL), as well as quality control activities, such as patient dose optimisation projects. Original author is Ed McDonagh, copyright held by The Royal Marsden, and the project supported by the community.

OpenREM supports various platforms including Windows, Linux and Mac. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a guide to Radiation Safety Officers, Medical Physicists and any other interested users on how to setup OpenREM and how it might be used to carry out day to day tasks and research. This post should only be used as a guide. IT, PACS and relevant teams should be consulted before integrating such a system in a production setting.

We encourage the community to review the most up to date documentation at while going through this tutorial as there is always updates and improvements being made to the project.

The video playlist matching this how-to tutorial can be found here.



Click to jump to the relevant section


Assumptions and Specifications

Assumptions that we make:

Specifications of the system used for installation:

  • Windows 10 64-bit system (this should work on Windows Server 2016 as well).
  • With no existing conflicting installations – base system.
  • You have Administrative access to install applications.
  • You have Direct connection to the internet from installation destination.

Installs are best done within a virtual machine as you can snapshot and rollback multiple times if you make any mistakes. Here’s some resource that can help you with this:


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Shopping List

The following items can be downloaded separately to speed up the process. You may be directed to copy and paste some of these URLs during the video segments.

There are additional downloads as part of steps that are more easily downloaded and installed during the steps themselves.

Item Download 
python 2.7.15




pynetdicom (custom)
PostgreSQL 10
VS Code
LUA script
dcmtk (Dicom Toolkit)


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Python 2.7 and Supporting modules

Python is an interpreted high-level programming language and used to develop OpenREM. In this section, we cover installing Python 2.7 and supporting modules so we can install OpenREM. Note that Python 2.7 is now outdated and the team at OpenREM are working to support Python 3.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Download Python:
2 Browse to:

Search for and download the following numpy package:


3 Browse to:

Search for and download the following psycopg2 package:


4 Download custom pynetdicom:

5 Open File explorer

Double click “Downloads”

6 Double click “python-2.7.15.msi” installer file
7 Select default installation paths

Select “Available from local drive…” when option to add Python to PATH appears

8 Sign out of Windows
Sign into Windows# This will re-read PATH environment variable for your session and allow you to run Python commands.
9 Right click Start

Left Click “Windows Powershell”

Pin “Windows Powershell” to taskbar for later use.

10 In the Powershell window type the following commands:

cd Downloads
pip install numpy‑1.14.5+mkl‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
pip install psycopg2‑2.7.5‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
pip install edmcdonagh-pynetdicom-2da8a57b53b3.tar.gz 

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In this part, we look at setting up RabbitMQ and supporting Erlang language framework. OpenREM uses RabbitMQ as a message broker service for tasks processed by Celery, which we discuss in a later section.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Download and install Erlang:

Accept defaults

2 Download and install RabbitMQ 

Accept defaults

Accept firewall prompts

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In this section, we cover the installation and configuration of PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL is database system used to store OpenREM data and preferred by OpenREM due to its use of Django framework and inbuilt median functions.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Download PostgreSQL

Select “PostgreSQL 10.4”

Select “Windows x86-64”

Click “Download Now”

2 Double click installer.

Select defaults unless you want an alternate download directory

# Remember the postgres superuser password!

Take tick off Stack Builder launch at the end of the setup

3 Click Start

Find postgres 10 -> pgAdmin

Right click to pin pgAdmin to taskbar

4 Launch pgAdmin from task bar

Expand Servers

Enter Superuser password

Keep pgadmin opened

5 Expand Login/Group Roles  -> Create User

Name: openrem

Click Definition

# Remember this password!

Click Privileges

Toggle “Can login?” and “Create Databases?” to “yes”

Click Save

6 Expand “Databases”

Right click -> Create Database

Database: openrem

Change owner to “openrem”

Click save

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OpenREM Initial Setup

In this section, we cover the initial setup of OpenREM itself. We also cover the installation of an IDE / Editor to better edit python code files There are lots available, but in this instructional, we install Visual Studio Code.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Download and install Visual Studio Code

Select defaults.

Take tick OFF “Register code as default editor…” near end of setup.

# We do this so vscode doesn’t launch python code files instead of python.exe.

2 Open Powershell

Run the following:

pip install openrem==0.8.0

3 Launch file explorer

Create folder structure: C:\OpenREM\media

4 Launch file explorer

Navigate to “C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\openrem\openremproject”

Rename “” to “”

Rename “” to “”

Stay in this folder

5 Open in editorChange the following settings:

'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'openrem',
'USER': 'openrem',
MEDIA_ROOT = 'C:/OpenREM/media'
XLSX_DATE = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
TIME_ZONE = 'Australia/Melbourne'

Save the file

7 Open Powershell

Run the following:

cd C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\openrem
python  makemigrations remapp
python migrate
python createsuperuser

Keep this window open

8 Open file explorer

Navigate to C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\openrem\remapp\migrations

Rename “” to “”

9 Back to the Powershell window you kept open

Run the following:

python migrate
python showmigrations

Everything should have a X in it.

10 Launch the inbuilt webserver:

python runserver --insecure

Browse http://localhost and see if it loads.

Ctrl-C in the powershell window to kill the web server which is required for the next part.

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Web Delivery using IIS

In this section, we cover delivering OpenREM web content using IIS (Internet Information Services) provided by Windows. We do this instead of using the inbuilt web server for both performance and security. We use the FastCGI capabilities of IIS as well as a Python module to serve the web content. This section is quite involved, so it’s best you read through the written steps as well as follow the video. Some sections can be copied and pasted to make things easier.

Video to follow along to:

Adapted from OpenREM documentation. Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1  Open Powershell and run:

pip install wfastcgi

2 Click Start

Start typing (Search) “Turn windows features..”

Select “Turn Windows Features on or off”

Tick “Internet Information Services”

Expand “Internet Information Services” -> “World Wide Web Services:” -> Expand “Application Development Features”

Tick “CGI”

Press OK

3 Click Start

Start typing (Search) “IIS”

Pin “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager) to taskbar

4 Open IIS Manager from pinned icon you just created

Click “FastCGI Settings” Icon at the top level

Click “Add application”

Change these settings:

Full Path C:\Python27\python.exe
Arguments C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\
Activity Timeout 300

Select and click the “…” on the “Environment Variables” line

Add these variable pairs (Case sensitive):

Name Value
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE openremproject.settings
PYTHON_PATH C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem
WSGI_HANDLER django.core.wsgi.get_wsgi_application()

Click OK twice

5 Open File explorer

Right click “C:\OpenREM”  -> Properties -> Security

Click Edit

Click Add

Enter “IIS_IUSRS” and click “OK”

Click the “Allow” checkbox in the modify row for the user “IIS_IUSRS”

Click OK

6 Repeat step 5 for the following paths:



7 Open IIS Manager

Expand Sites

Click on “Default Web Site”

Click on “Basic Settings” in the right action window

Change the Physical Path to “C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem”

Stay in IIS manager for next step

8 Click on “Default Web Site”

Click on the “Handler Mappings” Icon

Click on “Add module mapping” in right action window

Change the following settings:

Request path  *
Module FastCGIModule
Executable c:\python27\python.exe|c:\python27\Lib\site-packages\
Name OpenREM CGI Handler
Request Restrictions Take tick OFF “Invoke handler only if request is mapped to:”

Click OK out of settings window and “Yes” to warning

9 Open File explorer

Navigate to “C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem”

Create folder called “static”

Navigate to “C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem\openremproject”

Open “” in editor

Change “STATIC_ROOT” setting to read 'C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/openrem/static'

Save the file

10 Open IIS Manager

Expand “Sites”

Right click on “Default Web Site” -> “Add virtual directory”

Settings below:

Alias static
Physical Path C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem\static

Click OK

Click the “static” virtual directory

Click “StaticFile” and click “View Ordered List” in the right action window

Click “StaticFile” (again) and “Move Up” in the right action window

Click “Yes” to the warnings

Move “StaticFile” until it is at top of the list

11 Open Powershell

Run the following:

cd C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem\

python collectstatic

Type “yes” and hit enter

12 Browse to: http://localhost/

Site should look the same as when invoked using the inbuilt web server

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OpenREM Users and Settings

Now that we have a correctly configured OpenREM web service we can get to creating users and adjusting settings via the web interface. In most environments, you will have multiple users that require different levels of access. In this section, we cover the basics of creating users and adjusting settings. There is an abundance of settings available, and we encourage you to check them out on the OpenREM doc pages.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Open a web browser and enter into address bar:


2 Click the link to add users to the system


Navigate to http://localhost/admin

3 Authenticate using the “admin” account you created in earlier section

# This is the admin section for configuring users and changing permissions

4 Click “Add user” (to the right)

Enter a username and password

Scroll down

Click “Save”

On next page Select all “Available groups” and click the right arrow to move them to “Chosen groups”

Scroll down

Click “Save”

# Note there are settings that can be configured for the user at this point but we’ll do it as the user itself

5 Log out (top right)

Navigate to base page http://localhost

Login using newly created account (top right)

6 Click Config -> Chart Options

Check “Plot charts”  and “Submit Query”

7 Click Config -> Patient ID

Check Patient details in “Store data” if you wish to have these appear.

Click “Submit”

8 Click Config -> Skin dose map

Check “Enable skin dose maps?”

Check OFF “Calculate skin dose map on import” unless you have a lot of CPU processing power

Click Submit

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Celery Workers

We’re almost ready to start importing DICOM files. We need to start workers used to process imports, exports and DICOM networking tasks. Celery is a framework used by OpenREM to process these requests via RabbitMQ message broker (which we set up earlier). In this section, we cover running the Celery workers in the background, so we don’t have to run them manually.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Open file explorer

Click View -> Options

Click view tab

Scroll down halfway and uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types”

# This is required for creating files with alternate extensions and needed later.

2 Open File explorer

Create these subfolders:


2 Download Service wrapper NSSM:

File explorer -> Downloads -> Double click zip file

Navigate to nssm-2.24\win64

Right click nssm -> Copy

Navigate to C:\OpenREM\Support


# nssm.exe should now be in C:\OpenREM\Support directory

3 Open file explorer

Navigate to C:\OpenREM\Support

Right click empty space -> Left click New -> Text Document

Name the file “celery_service.bat”

Right click and open in editor

Paste the following in. Substitute paths if you’ve deviated from this tutorial:


taskkill /F /IM celery.exe
del /F C:\OpenREM\media\celery\
cd C:\python27\lib\site-packages\openrem
celery worker -n default -P solo -Ofair -A openremproject -c 4 -Q default --pidfile=C:\OpenREM\media\celery\ --logfile=C:\OpenREM\media\celery\default.log


Save the file

4 Right click Powershell -> Run Powershell as Administrator

Run the following:

pip install celery==3.1.25

# We install celery 3.1.25 due to issues with 4.X on Windows and supporting modules

Keep window open

5 Run the following

C:\OpenREM\support\nssm.exe install "OpenREM Celery Workers"

When window loads change path to:


Click install

Run the following command:

net start "OpenREM Celery Workers"

# This is a command line alternative to starting a service via command line instead of Services GUI

6 Open File explorer

Browse to C:\OpenREM\media\celery

Ensure “” exists.

Check contents of “default.log” and ensure it reads Celery worker started

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Import DICOM Manually

In this section, we show you how to import various DICOM files into OpenREM. We demonstrate using the included import scripts to import DICOM files for different modalities. We also demonstrate using some of the web functionality to report on and export data.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Open file explorer

Create folder C:\Temp

2 Open file explorer

Navigate to C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\openrem\remapp\tests\test_files

Copy all dcm (DICOM) files

Navigate to C:\Temp

Paste files into directory

3 Open Powershell

Run the following C:\Temp\RF-RDSR-*.dcm

# This will use the OpenREM RDSR import script to import some Fluoroscopy and Radiography SR modality DICOMs

4 Browse to: http://localhost/

Login if not already logged in.

Notice the new count of studies

5 Return to Powershell

Run the following C:\Temp\DX-Im-*.dcm

# Note this time we used the DX import script to import DX modality files instead of SRs

6 Go back to http://localhost/ in web browser

# Note the additional Radiography cases

Click on Fluoroscopy

Click on the “Siemens AXIOM-Artis” case

Wait for Radiation exposure Incidence Map to be processed

Click “Toggle 2D/3D view”

#  Note the calculated peak skin dose which can be used as estimation. Note that this feature is only supported on specific manufacturers and is experimental.

#  There are many metrics that you can review in your own time but some useful ones include dose area product, dose at reference point,  acquisition protocols, event types, pulse rates.

7 Whilst still on site click “Fluoroscopy”

Click “Plot of mean DAP….”

# Note the various functionality here. After a build up of cases you can use this feature to build Dose Reference Levels, compare different systems and optimise dose.

Click “Export to CSV” in the “Data Export” window

# You can review the contents at a later point. This is to demonstrate functionality.


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Import via DICOM Server

It is often more convenient to receive files into OpenREM automatically without having to extract and import into OpenREM manually. A good way to achieve this is to set up a DICOM server on the OpenREM server, have the institution PACS forward files onto the DICOM server and have the DICOM server invoke the import automatically. In this section, we go over setting up the DICOM server and configuring a LUA script to do the import on DICOM receipt. We also show a demo on sending some DICOM files to the DICOM server using a utility.

Video to follow along to:

Refer to most up to date documentation at

Step Details
1 Visit

Select “Orthanc 18.7.1 installer by Osimis…”

Enter rest of details. This can be a personal email address

# The actual installer for the free tool is provided by a corporate partner hence the requirement to provide contact details. One can compile manually but this is a much easier approach.

2 Wait for email

Download installer from link in email

Double click and install the package keeping default options.

3 Browse to:

Right click “Raw” -> Save link/target as

Save as “openrem_orthanc_config.lua” to C:\OpenREM\Support

OR Save in downloads and move to C:\OpenREM\Support

4 Edit “C:\OpenREM\Support\openrem_orthanc_config.lua” file and change the following settings:

local python_executable = 'C:\\Python27\\python.exe'
local python_scripts_path = 'C:\\Python27\\Scripts\\'
local temp_path = 'C:\\OpenREM\\support\\dicom\\'
local physics_to_keep_folder = 'C:\\OpenREM\\support\\dicom\\physics\\'

Save the file

Close the file

5 Edit “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Configuration\orthanc.json”

Change the “LuaScripts” setting to read like this:

"LuaScripts" : [

# Scroll down and note your “DicomAet” and “DicomPort” settings. This will be useful later if configuring a PACS system to auto forward. In most cases it will be “ORTHANC” and “4242”

Save the file

Click “Retry as Admin” when prompt appears in bottom left.

Save the file again

Close the file

6 Open file explorer

Create folder C:\OpenREM\Support\dicom

6 Right click Start -> Computer management

Expand “Services and applications”

Click Services

Find “Orthanc”

Right click -> Restart

7 Click Start

Start typing “firewall”

Select “Allow an app through Windows Firewall”

Click “Change settings”

Click “Allow another app…”

Browse to “C:\Program Files\Orthanc Server\Orthanc.exe”

Click “Network Types”

Make sure “Private” is also ticked

Click OK

Click Add

Click OK

8 Open Powershell

Run the following command:


# Note down the “IPv4” Address. We will use this in transmitting files over DICOM send protocol

9 # Either on same system or system on network


Open Zip file

Copy folder out to C:\ and rename to C:\dcmtk

10 Open Powershell

Run the following

C:\dcmtk\bin\storescu -v 4242 C:\Temp\CT-RDSR-*.dcm

# Here we’re sending DICOM files to the DICOM server we just set up. Substitute the IP address for the one you took down earlier. If you are on a virtual machine this may not work if the network is hidden behind a NAT. If you do not know what this means that’s OK, you can do this from the same virtual machine.

12 Browse to: http://localhost


Browse to

# Substitute IP address you took down earlier

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Wrapping Up

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of setting up an OpenREM server. We covered setting up supporting software, the OpenREM server itself and covered some of the DICOM import mechanisms.

We only covered the basics, and there is much more to discover and configure including things like a scheduled query of DICOMs from PACS, importing patient sizes and creating custom queries/reports. There are considerations to be made and challenges to face when implementation in a production setting.

OpenREM is an ever-evolving and growing project. We encourage everyone to head over to project site at, look through the documentation and get actively involved in the project. There is a sizable community supporting it and they are always looking for feedback and more people to get involved.

If you have any feedback on this tutorial or the supporting videos, please feel free to comment. We are also looking for any suggestions on further “How-tos”.


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